Thursday, August 30, 2007

Good things that happened today...

1. Found out that Birthday Girl is even more of a genius than previously thought. Congratulations on the 99.95, mate!
2. Ate this DELICIOUS chocolate cake made by housemate. Tastebuds have not felt such a marvelous sensation in a very long time. (Although, nutella cake and $10 steak comes incredibly close).
3. Had a good time relaxing with CU people this afternoon.
4. Terrific weather - sun bright but not the harsh/intense sort, breeze comforting, and temperature just right.
5. Managed to finish my section of prac report. Just waiting for prac partner to send his back now.
6. Only took me 2 minutes to think of the above 5 points. Often struggle to think of even one.

Sunny day....

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