Monday, October 22, 2007

The Battlefield.

I am tired of having eggs thrown at. Tired of it, sick of it, just bridge-built OVER it.

I guess I should blame myself. I mean, think about it. How come most people have yolk-free faces?

One reason is that some people are clever. They have skill. They have shields that prevent eggs from splattering onto their faces. Their dodging abilities are sensational - their bodies can jump, flex, do whatever is required when millions of eggs come flying their way.

Others, like me, are not that skilled. Thus, they choose to position themselves in less obvious places. Not get themselves in the front line, not be such open targets. In fact, most, in this category, choose to walk off the egg-throwing battlefield.

Why don't I do this? Why don't I walk away? The problem is, it's an important battle I'm fighting, and one which I am counted on. No, not trying to be cocky or arrogant. I am counted on not because I am particularly skilled. No outstanding intellect either, nothing like that at all. But for certain reasons, I am needed. Thus, in the battlefield I stay.

That doesn't mean that I'm not sick of having eggs thrown at, though. It doesn't mean that the eggs don't hurt.


P.S. Completely off topic - but if anyone has a thin blanket they can lend me for a week or so, that would be greatly appreciated. Having trouble sleeping because of the hot weather. Thanks.

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