Tuesday, June 12, 2007

One Small Step At A Time.

It's interesting. What's obvious to some people may not be obvious to others. And this thing may be the exact thing that "other" needs to hear.

Alright. Not making sense again, I know.

An example:

I remember a time last year when I was having one of those weeks when everything was going wrong, bad news just kept coming and things just seemed like they were falling apart. Basically, I was just feeling overwhelmed. I remember someone telling me then to take one small step at a time.

I don't know. People say lots of things. A lot of the time, though, words just don't sink in. For some reason, the small steps thing really stuck with me.

Small steps. Sounds obvious right? We've all heard the saying "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". And that story of the person who wanted to change the world. When he realized they couldn't change the world, he tried to change his country. He couldn't change his country, so he thought he would change his town. Couldn't do that either, so he tried changing his family. Finally, he decided to change himself. By changing himself, he was able to impact his family, his family could impact his town, his town his country, his country the world.

Right. Small steps. Might be obvious to you. But it is just beginning to click for me.

One step at a time.

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