Saturday, June 23, 2007

Peace Doesn't Last.

Had one day of it. Peace, that is. Had one day of peace yesterday.

It really was quite a good day. Guess I did quite a few things that I had been wanting to do for quite some time - e.g. go to the Dandenongs, visit the famous pie place, visit the famous scones place... it was a nice change from the busyness of the city, the frustrations of not being able to study, and the hecticness from people acting crazy in general =D

Of course, there were a few hiccups. We got quite lost for some time in our walk. All because we skipped a few lines in the book and ended up thinking we were at one gate when we were at another. The drive was a bit dangerous too, with all the fog. And of course, some "interesting" conversations as well. But all in all, it was a peaceful day.

But peace doesn't last. That's why people are always constantly in conflict with each other. That's why there's war in the world. That's why babies cry.

And that's why I am back to feeling guilty. Feeling like a terrible person. Feeling like I committed a crime. Because, to me, it doesn't need to be punishable by law to be a crime.

Peace doesn't last.

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