Saturday, October 8, 2011

That's all it is - words.

I received two apologies today. One cane up to me and said something along the lines of, "I hope I didn't upset you, you know everyone gets upset sometimes". The other came up to me and directly offered his genuine apology and gave me a box of chocolates to make up for it.

I told a friend about this. She says, "Typical guys - they think can just buy you a gift and pretend like nothing ever happened." She told me about how she was fearful of seeing someone after a similar situation I had, and that really, even they semi-acknowledged that he was completely out of line with her, there was still a tension and she was in fact dreading every time they might.

Nevertheless, the two gestures, especially the latter (as it really is the thought that counts), really did do it for me. Yes, they made me feel awful. In case you were wondering - it was things they said. For the last many hours, I had kept replaying everything in my head. I really don't like confrontation. However, after the apologies, I was a lot more at peace. I could go home and eat my spaghetti bolognaise again. Makes me feel we can continue to go on. Not that we would forget it happened, but it's really close to almost.

It was really tough 24 hours ago. Ended up messing a lot of things up, things that can't be changed. But that's life and you've got to accept it and move on.

One thing I did learn from all this is how to deliver a gracious apology though. That's how I would describe the second apology - gracious. When I mess up in the future, I would hope that my apologies would be like that how his was as well.

An apology really does help. It really does make things better.

Stay calm everyone. And stay safe. Especially when driving. Roads are quite slippery these days.

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