Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Full health.

Some of you will know that I have had a back injury recently. As a result, I was not able to bend over at all from the waist.

It's quite amazing how much that can affect you. Usually, when things dropped on the floor, I wouldn't even think but would pick it straight up. Not being able to bend from the waist meant that every time I had to pick something up from the floor, I had to bend my knees and keep my back/waist very straight to ensure it was not too excruciatingly painful. Because of that I would try to optimize picking things up to minimize the number of times needing to bend over. Driving was painful but bearable - when pressing the clutch it was just a split second of pain. But simple acts like standing up, sitting down, putting on clothes was hard. Lying in bed was the best because it wouldn't hurt.

The other hard thing is that it is not immediately noticeable to other people that I had an injury. Not that I wanted attention or anything, but because of the tape and support etc was underneath my clothing, it could not be seen normally, meaning that people would bump into me and not realize the impact it would have, nor would they realize why I was walking so slow.

Almost back to full health though. Was very excited today, could take off the back support. Yay.

Good health is something I take for granted.

I'm thankful that it is almost better and that I'm healthy most of the time.

Wishing you good health as well, and stay safe.


Peter said...

Yeah, it sucks. I haven't had it that bad since I first hurt it in primary school. (but I get shadows of it every couple of months, more when I'm not careful about how I lift stuff) Completely understand the situation of pain that's only indirectly (and thus weirdly) obvious to others.

Also... tennis sometime this summer for sure.

A said...

what happened ? Hope you fully recover soon

Peter said...

I injured my back in primary school - so it's been a while!

I just get little "warnings" thesedays if I life something the wrong way.