Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mar 29, '09

Many interesting happenings today:
- Waking up at 6:30am to make a rather brilliant brekkie, if I may so myself. Consisting of crepes with a multitude of fruits and cheeses... oh, and real coffee.
- Saw a lot, lot of green today. Haven't seen that much green in so long. My eyes had to take quite a bit of time adjusting. I'm glad I saw it before there was too many changes in colour, even though the colours in April/May in Melbourne make autumn my favourite season here.
- Had a rather traumatic experience in my car. In case people are wondering, it was not an accident, but did give all passengers a mini heart attack. Unbelievable. Seriously. I reckon I deserve a massive pat on the back for being super calm.
- Steak dinner. Three steaks in the last four days. Please do not be too shocked if I turn into a cow by the end of the week.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

lovely brekkie indeedy!