Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's just how it is.

Bad things happen. People expect good things to happen. It's true.

In all the everyday things people say - "have a good day", "happy birthday, wishing you a good year ahead". When people ask how someone is, and the answer is "good", then, generally, no further questions asked. However, if the reply is "bad", then the questions come.

Underlying these everyday sayings, underlying these wishes and hopes, is the expectation that life should be good. The expectation that we should be happy, and that good things should happen.

But. Think about it. Think logically. Why? Why should things be good, Whydo we deserve good things to happen? Why should there not be suffering?

There's no answer.

Expect life to be awful. Expect life to be crap. Expect tragedies to happen.

Expect reliable people to let you down. Expect those that love you to hurt you bad. Expect that in everything you do, you will fail.

Some say if you lower your expectations, you won't be as disappointed. That's true, but I reckon the real reason one should lower their expectations is because it is, for some reason, on average, set arbritrarily high.

I believe it is important to suffer a bit. Then when you're not suffering, you know. I believe it is important to be hurt. Allows you to appreciate being loved. I believe it is important to feel pain. Then can one only experience true pleasure.

I believe it is important to suffer. The emotions that linger, allows me to, in the smallest possible way, even begin to empathsize.

I believe it is important to be hurt. The scars deeply imprinted, makes me, motivates me, yes, indeed drives me, to consciously hurt others less. To be there for others more. To let others know they are cared for. To not give up on people, to not let them go.

I believe it is important to feel the pain. To have the knife, stabbed deep into your back, and wrenched around at least five times. I believe it is important to see the blood flowing, have your body yelping in pain. Stab it deeper, stab it further, take the knife out and do it again, get another knife, and stab from the other side at once.
Suffer. Hurt. Feel the pain.

It's important. It's vital.


It's just how it is.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No it's not. Simple as that. Ask me why. Bad things happen to everyone. I continue to love and expect love. Because I know I am loved. And that means trying not to let down those whom I love. Love is simple. It's powerful. I love you. The end. Smile. If you can't, then come run with me out in the open air. And we'll frown together for a while, until we're too exhausted. Please don't just wait. Give me a call. We learn from pain, but we can expect joy. Let's indulge in some, my dear. Let's be happy to spite the pain. My sister cried once and said, "I thought life was supposed to be about being happy? I'm not happy.". I didn't understand her, but I knew she could be happy. She just needed to know what there was to be joyful about. I'm joyful every time I see you. Not because I'm joyful all the time, but because seeing you gives me joy.


Things are hard. Let them be simple for a little while. Smile with me for smiling's sake, then you might be happy for a while. Rather than smiling because you're happy, be happy because you are smiling.