Monday, November 17, 2008

Ace the paper

I have an exam on Wednesday. 411-448 Bioenvironmental Engineering. Last exam in uni ever. Last walk to REB ever. Last time hearing them say "Candidates, you must stop writing now."

I have a feeling I will ace the exam. As will all the other of my lovely coursemates. I can tell, just from the discussions we've been having about it.

Example. I asked one of my oh-so-clever friends just now what Peter (our lecturer) said about Question 1b on the 2005 exam. The question describes a situation in which the BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) levels in sewater in an Antarctic region, were measured. Temperature of the seawater was -1.8C. The question then states: To satisfy that the results are valid and reliable you feel the need to ask the researchers who conducted the work the procedures they used to obtain the BOD values.

My clever friend's reponse was:
1. bacteria functioning
2. reproduction and respiration rate will be lower
3. i don't know

Call me an idiot, but I did not feel the answers really targetted the question. Never mind, I thought, let me think about it. Upon contemplating over her answers, I concluded that her first response referred to the fact the bacteria may not be functioning at -1.8C, and hence BOD levels measured would not even represent any bacteria. I concluded her second response referred to the fact that reproduction and respiration of any viable bacteria would be much lower than at ambient temperatures, and hence BOD levels measured may not be accurate. Finally, I concluded that her third answer was magnificent.

I then proceeded to check with her whether my conclusions of what she said was correct. She said they were, and I told her the most correct answer was probably #3.

She then decided to kindly summarize the answer again for me, this time saying:
so 1. bacteria might not be functioning at such low temp
2. respiration and reproduction rate will be slower
3. nina is pretty even at -1.8C

COOL. Yes, #3 is certainly most correct. That is certainly what the question was asking for.

I feel confident about this exam. Me, Nina, and the rest, will certainly ace it.


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