Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Taco and Pudding - I MISS YOU!

Webcammed with my cuzzie tonight. Rather, I webcammed with her dogs. PUDDING AND TACS I MISS YOU!

I like how they love people. They follow people all around the house. When someone enters a prohibited area (e.g. bathroom), they know not to go in, and so sprawl themselves on the ground, right outside. After my shower, I've completely forgotten about them, but when I open the door, I see them quickly jumping to their feet, looking at me expectantly, ready to keep going.

I like how they are best friends. I like how, every morning, they leave some of their food from their own bowl so that the other can have the rest. I like how they wrestle and play with each other. I like how Taco, being big and tall, follows lil Pudding around knowing Puds is boss. I like how they snuggle close and fall asleep together every night.

I like how they have a good nature. I like how raised voices, violent motions and arguments anger them. I like how they can distinguish between excitement and unwanted chaos.

I miss seeing their tails wagging. I watching them fool around outside. I miss hearing dog sniffles from under my bed.

I miss always having someone to hug at home.

Tacs and Puds - stay cool, crazy fellas. SEE YOU SOON.


Lok said...
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Lok said...

they miss you too