Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Little Halogen Heater.

I recently made a very good purchase, a little halogen heater.

It's a pretty funky little object. It rotates, for one. Not a 360 rotation, but just enough to promote sufficient heat circulation without you going dizzy looking at it. It has a safety grill, which is good as I am often quite clumsy and can have papers flying everywhere. It also lights up, and the brightness of the light depends on the wattage you set it to. For those of you that have visited my current residence, you may understand how a little extra light is more than welcome.

People find warmth through different means. As for my two cents (probably a cent and a half, but anyway), when you find that little extra warmth, try hard not to let it go. You may still shiver - but perhaps what you had hoped for was unrealistic, perhaps what you dreamt of did not exist. Just because you didn't manage to catch a sun ray or name a star after you, it doesn't mean the little halogen heater has no use.

It's amazing how much a little extra warmth can do.

Once you find some, yes, even if it is a humble little halogen heater, try hard not to let it go.

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