Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 26, 2010

Today's probably the first day this year I would say it was truly spring. Sun shining, cool breeze, temperature fairly perfect... =)

I did attempt to cycle yesterday - feeling fairly lethargic yesterday morning so thought I would try to overcome it by getting on the bike. Having not exercised in a few weeks, it was a struggle - there are some slight hills in Ascot Vale. It is difficult cycling by yourself sometimes (for me at least) because without pressure, I tend to choose to give myself lots of breaks.

The Grand Final was a good learning experience for me. I knew the city was really into it, but I was just surprised at how dejected everyone (including the fans) were when they drew. I reckon the Saints fans should've been cheering - they were that close to losing so many times... a fantastic game though, I couldn't believe I was actually into it.

Spring is here, Melbourne! Any moment spent indoors when the sun is out and the birds are singing is a waste. If only there was no work tomorrow...

Another really good weekend.

Thanks for the generosity.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If only there was no studying to do... *sigh* yep, Spring has finally sprung :).