Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Little Shadow People.

The little shadow people are talking to me again. They're not bad people, I just don't really trust what they have to say sometimes, and because they all talk at once, I find it hard to follow what they're actually on about. Recently, they've done quite a bit of bickering with each other, and then really just telling me how you've been really uncool lately, and how ultimately you should be kicked out of the equation.

It's not that I disagree. Metaphorically speaking, I've already been advised ages back the appropriate coefficients that go in front of your names in the equation, namely 0 for C1, 0 for C2, 0 for C3, and really, pretty much 0 for Cn.

Yes, the little shadow people are right, but there's no need to remind me every night. Seriously, a person has got to sleep.

1 comment:

ames4eva said...

I like the analogy though I'm sorry the little shadow people have been keeping you awake.

Praying that you have a better night's rest tonight :).