Monday, January 10, 2011

Too much information.

This is really in the information age. I don't know if I've posted this before, but I heard of a statistic from a training course I went to a few weeks ago that the amount of information in a typical metropolitan weekend newspaper (e.g. The Age) contains more info than someone in the 1900's would've been exposed to in their life.

I'm finding myself constantly filtering because I cannot take in and remember so much information. This comes in the form of learning a way to only hear the relevant/important parts of conversations, scanning emails only for points of interest, reading emails only when I am about to reply them, etc.

I'm finding it very difficult to read even a chapter of a book from first sentence to last because it is much easier to scan/skip around.

Then of course, there's the sort of information you really prefer not to hear but it's generally you're not able to stop it in time. This usually happens in online conversations where there is the time delay such that you can't block your ears (in this case, eyes) in time and the information is out there.

Thanks, but I didn't really need to know.

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