Thursday, June 11, 2009

Heartbreak #3

"They say bad things happen for a reason
But no wise words gonna stop the bleeding
Cos she's moved on while I'm still grieving
Cos when a heart breaks no it don't break even even no

What am I gonna do when the best part of me was always you
What am I suppose to say when I'm all choked up and your ok
I'm falling to pieces, I'm falling to pieces, I'm falling to pieces
(One still in love while the other ones leaving)
I'm falling to pieces
(Cos when a heart breaks no it don't break even)"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dude what's happening to your poor carrot!! carrots are supposed to be HEALTHY (and good for your eyes =D), yours is turning into a drunkard! guess that's the point eh? poetic pics though ;)