Monday, June 23, 2008

It's like being in love.

Not the good kind. Not the happy-ever-after kind.

No, rather, it's like loving someone who doesn't love you back. It's like loving someone who isn't right for you. It's like loving someone who doesn't believe in love.

It's like being in love because it's unreasonable. All logic in every neuron in your brain tells you that it doesn't make sense, that no, you are in fact wrong. But the emotions are too strong, the feelings are too overwhelming. You can't hear your brain no matter how loud it shouts.

It's like being in love because it's painful. It hurts when you think about it. It hurts when you talk about it. At the same time, you want to think about it. And oh, how it helps when you talk about it.

It's like being in love because it seems never-ending. Many around, most who mean well, say "time heals", or "just give it time". But whether the other party reciprocates your love, you beileve that this love you have, this love you feel, will last forever.

No, I am not in love. Far from it, in fact.

But it's like being in love.

Truly, madly, deeply.

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