Sunday, April 10, 2011

Autumn songs.

It's been a bit of a dramatic weekend for my household.

People fainting, ambulance arriving, holding up a tram.
2 bee stings only 10-ish minutes apart, then another about half an hour later.
Cooking a steak well done. This was not intentional. Steaks should not be well done.

Despite all that, it was a beautiful day today. I walked outside this morning and I was like, wow autumn has sprung up overnight! Wanting to take the opportunity to take everything in before the trees become all bare.

"This is my Father's world / the birds their carols raise / the morning light, the lily white / declare their maker's praise..."


Unknown said...

I agree, steaks should NOT be well done :).

That sounds like a lovely song... what's the title?

Kei said...

It's titled "This is my father's world" :)